About this website
This is not a full blown family tree for myself or my family. There are many many web sites out there now that offer excellent software and include a lot more functionality that I am capable of doing here. In fact, I am registered on one of them.
This site is intended to be something a little bit different than those other sites in that I hope to build profiles of some of the people in the family tree one by one.
For those that stumble across this website in the course of their own investigations, I will try and maintain an up to date copy of my family's GED file (a standard data file format for those doing genealogy) and I encourage you to get in touch with me if you feel our histories cross paths.
Download GEDCOM
[By request only]
About my research methods
I have no proper training in genealogical research, nor am I (I will admit) the best when it comes to ensuring that I properly document my sources. This probably makes me the worst sort of person to those dedicated souls who take nothing for granted unless they are holding a copy of the original paperwork in their hands, be it an immigration record, census sheet, marriage licence, death certificate and so on.
That said, I am in the habit of questioning (repeatedly) any connection that I come across and have on occassion rejected connections to other possible family branches because the dates, times, or places just didn't match up.
However... I do love the thrill of discovery and most of my time is devoted to tracking down small leads and following up on hunches. In doing this, I have managed to reconnect with several branches of my family whom are still thriving today and whom I would never have known otherwise.
It is staggering just how quickly you can discover that your family extends halfway around the world, and how that spread happened in just a few short generations. It's equally amazing how quickly people who grew up in the same household as brothers and sisters, can see their grandchildren become strangers.